
Duke of Edinburgh Award Success

Posted on: 06/02/2020

Students from current Y10 and Y11 were celebrated in school with a special Duke of Edinburgh award ceremony, hosted by Mr Watson and Mrs Clemence, the school's DofE leaders, with certificates presented by Mrs Kettlewell, Deputy Headteacher. 

Over 30 students were presented with their Bronze Award. To achieve this they have undertaken volunteering, learning new skills, being active and a 2 day expedition, developing teamwork, resilience and new friendships along the way.

A further 15 students have gained their Silver Awards, demonstrating further proficiency in volunteering, activities and new skills, as well as a 3 day expedition. 

Mr Watson spoke about the pride they can all feel as they wear their pins, and the connections they now have with each other and DofE-ers everywhere. Head Girl, Martha and Deputy Head Girl, Ellen, shared their experience with the audience, and the benefits they have gained from completing their Silver Award. 

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